Traditional Meets Social: A New Era in Heart Health Revolution

Hey Heart Buddies. This episode is so important. I welcome Julia Hotz, whose book, “The Connection Cure,” is revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare. This episode takes a deep dive into how social prescribing—a practice that includes non-medical treatments such as art, movement, nature, and community involvement—can significantly enhance heart health and overall well-being. Julia shares compelling data and heartwarming stories about individuals who’ve transformed their lives through these holistic measures. Hear how simple, yet powerful, prescriptions for happiness and connection can make all the difference in your journey towards thriving post-heart surgery. You won’t want to miss this enlightening conversation that bridges the gap between modern medicine and soulful living.

About Julia and how to get your own copy of The Connection Cure: THE CONNECTION CURE Book — Julia Hotz

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**I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Be sure to check in with your care team about all the next right steps for you and your heart.**

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Boots Knighton

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